1,703 research outputs found

    The relevance of new industrial policy thinking to Argentina

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    This thesis generates insights into the re-conceptualisation and revaluation of industrial policy (IP) as a legitimate tool of economic policy in the context of developing countries. It draws upon what I call the New Industrial Policy (NIP) thinking, which is based on institutionalist and evolutionary economics concerned with both 'the innovation, learning and knowledge triad' and the spatialisation of IP The NIP thinking asserts the importance of learning and innovation, the 'power of economies of association' and 'the power of place' as key sources of competitive advantage. These three propositions are evaluated through empirical research which is based on the Argentinean experience in light of the failure of the last neoliberal programme implemented in the country (1991-2001). Specifically, the research focuses on a regional economy in which there exists both a cluster of SMEs and a group of institutions concerned with firm competitiveness. This thesis makes three main contributions to re-conceptualise the NIP thinking in the context of economies affected by economic decline. First, it identifies key factors that explain why the learning and innovation economy has less relative importance in these economies (if compared with firms in more developed economies), by arguing that the learning and innovation require a minimal threshold of resources and accumulated capabilities that the SMEs in development countries often do not have. Secondly, it explains why the powers of place and the economies of associations are only marginally exploited by firms due to the marked influence of restrictions at micro-, meso- and macro-economic levels. Finally, despite these restrictions, this research reveals that some emerging processes of change in individual firms and institutions have recently occurred which are in line with the assumptions forwarded by the NIP thinking. I conclude that in the interstices of the Argentine economic policy there is a case to consider the new IP ideas

    Is the Precession of Mercury\u27s Perihelion a Natural (Non-Relativistic) Phenomenon?

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    The general theory of relativity claims that the excess of precession of the planetary orbits has its origin in the curvature of space-time produced by the Sun in its near vicinity. In general relativity, gravity is thought to be a measure of the curvature of spacetime when matter is present. By arguing that free falling particles follow geodesies inside gravitational fields, Schwarzschild\u27s solution to Einstein\u27s field equations explains that when space-time is approximately flat (weak aravitational pull of the Sun), the planetary orbits describe minute precessions which, for Mercury, agrees well with observation. This brief paper explains, first by elaborating on pure special relativity arguments, and second, by considering another solution to Newton\u27s gravitational law, that Mercury\u27s orbital precession does not necessarily demonstrate the unique validity of general relativity

    Ética ambiental y turismo: relación responsable hombre-naturaleza

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    La ética tiene que ver con la acción humana, con lo que es justo y bueno, porque la humanidad tiene la responsabilidad y la libertad para hacer cambios en las comunidades y en su entorno. Una de estas acciones es el uso y el trato que se le da a la naturaleza, si bien ha sido discutible si ésta tiene o no derechos equiparables a los del hombre. La ética ambiental reconoce que los animales y plantas pueden ser sujetos morales que requieren consideración a sus derechos. Relacionamos la ética ambiental con el turismo, pues éste usa el entorno natural como marco para la realización de actividades recreacionales de las personas; no obstante se ha evidenciado que existen impactos negativos ocasionados por un inadecuado uso de los recursos naturales, por lo que el papel de la ética ambiental debe promover una relación más armónica entre el hombre y la naturaleza

    The last five years of Big Data Research in Economics, Econometrics and Finance: Identification and conceptual analysis

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    Today, the Big Data term has a multidimensional approach where five main characteristics stand out: volume, velocity, veracity, value and variety. It has changed from being an emerging theme to a growing research area. In this respect, this study analyses the literature on Big Data in the Economics, Econometrics and Finance field. To do that, 1.034 publications from 2015 to 2019 were evaluated using SciMAT as a bibliometric and network analysis software. SciMAT offers a complete approach of the field and evaluates the most cited and productive authors, countries and subject areas related to Big Data. Lastly, a science map is performed to understand the intellectual structure and the main research lines (themes)

    Asymmetric nanopore rectification for ion pumping, electrical power generation, and information processing applications

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    Single-track, asymmetric nanopores can currently be functionalised with a spatially inhomogeneous distribution of fixed charges and a variety of pore tip shapes. Optimising the asymmetric nanopore characteristics is crucial for practical applications in nanofluidics. We have addressed here this question for three cases based on different input/output chemical and electrical signals: (i) ion pumping up a concentration gradient by means of a periodic, time-dependent bias potential, (ii) information processing with a single nanopore acting as the nanofluidic diode of a logic gate, and (iii) electrical energy harvesting using a nanopore that separates two solutions of different salt concentrations. The results show the nanopore characteristics (size, shape, and charge distribution) that should be optimised for each application. In particular, the control of the pore tip size and charge appears to be crucial in all cases because it is in this narrow region where the interaction of the ions and the pore surface occurs, and this will eventually determine the nanodevice performance. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.We acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and FEDER, Programme of Materials (project No. MAT2009-07747).Cervera, J.; Ramirez Hoyos, P.; Mafé, S.; Stroeve, P. (2011). Asymmetric nanopore rectification for ion pumping, electrical power generation, and information processing applications. Electrochimica Acta. 56(12):4504-4511. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2011.02.056S45044511561

    \u3cem\u3eBataclanismo\u3c/em\u3e! Or, How Deco Bodies Transformed Postrevolutionary Mexico City

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    In the spring of 1925, Santa Anita\u27s Festival of Flowers seemed to follow its tranquil trend of previous years. The large displays of flowers, the selection of indias bonitas (as the contestants of beauty pageants organized in an attempt to stimulate indigenism were known) and the boat-rides on the Viga Canal, all communicated what residents of neighboring Mexico City had come to expect of the small pueblo in the Federal District since the Porfiriato: the respite of a peaceful pastoral, the link to a colorful past, and the promise that mexicanidad was alive and well in the campo. Unfortunately, wrote Manuel Rámirez Cárdenas of El Globo, the modern newspaper, the next day, this idyllic tradition was rudely interrupted by a group of audacious, scantily clad women. The culprits were actresses of Mexico City\u27s Lírico theater, who walked around Santa Anita\u27s streets in picaresque clothing —stage outfits that left little to the imagination, particularly in broad daylight—and upset visitors and campesinos alike. According to Cárdenas, abuelitas and mamás were shocked by the display, averting their eyes from the female spectacle in fear of el pecado mortal. Thankfully, for the mothers and grandmothers in the audience, the festival continued in predictable fashion after the initial uproar. Organizers continued with the traditional dances, and judges selected an india bonita from a pool of young, decente mestizo girls to represent the pueblo and the festival. Unbeknownst to the residents of rural Santa Anita, the daring actresses of El Lírico were part of a new phenomenon that had swept through Mexico City like wildfire, turned the entertainment world upside down, and pushed many to reconsider what constituted female beauty, decency, and lo mexicano. A few months earlier, on February 12th, a grand variety spectacle named Voilá Paris: La Ba-ta-clán premiered in Teatro Iris and instantly sent shock waves throughout the Mexican entertainment world and the larger metropolis. The show featured seminude and nude French actresses, who performed dances and acts that appeared to be a mix of classical ballet, Ziegfeld Follies chorus lines, and tableaux vivants. Within weeks, Mexican copycat productions capitalized on the enormous success of the show, triggering a new entertainment phenomenon named after the original production: Bataclanismo. It also launched a new kind of female star, the bataclana, who came to represent the erotic, and more dangerous, attributes of the flapper for Mexican audiences, and whose body became the site of contested and divergent notions of modernity. In this article, I explore bataclanismo as a normative discourse that reached far beyond the theater into the practice of everyday life. I do so to gauge the transition of changing ideals of femininity in Mexico from 1925 to 1935, and the influence these changes had on the development of urban space. Drawing on Elizabeth Grosz\u27 and Doreen Massey\u27s insights that place and gender are mutually constitutive, this article examines the articulation between the embodied city and changing gender norms in the wake of both the Mexican revolution and the advent of twentieth-century global capital. Analyzing these relationships from Judith Butler\u27s perspective of gender performance, especially as read through bodies, I argue that a new transnational aesthetic of feminine embodiment celebrated in bataclanismo influenced a distinct urban modernity and sociability in Mexico City. This new ideal female physique that stressed length, height, and androgyny—what I term a Deco body—helped to reconfigure Mexico City in terms of gender, space and race. It ushered in new gender ideals, helped visualize urban modernity, and bridged the gap between two divergent discourses that accompanied revolutionary reform, indigenismo and mestizaje, paving the way for a mestizo modernity

    Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del cliente del instituto de desarrollo y capacitación de la ciudad de Trujillo

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    En la presente investigación: Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del cliente del Instituto de Desarrollo y Capacitación-Trujillo se formuló como problema ¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción del cliente del Instituto de Desarrollo y Capacitación - Trujillo? se planteó además el objetivo general que es determinar la relación que existe entre calidad de servicio y la satisfacción de los clientes del Instituto de Desarrollo y Capacitación - Trujillo. Se utilizó la metodología tipo aplicada, con diseño correlacional – no experimental. Se empleó como herramienta un cuestionario, el cual fue aplicado a 142 estudiantes matriculados en Trujillo. El resultado fue que el 45,8% manifestaron un nivel bajo de calidad de servicio; el 46,5% manifestaron un nivel bajo de satisfacción del cliente y se definió que consta una relación significativa y directa entre la calidad de la prestación y el agrado del usuario. La presente investigación concluyó que existe relación altamente significativa, con un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de 0.615.Tesi

    Logic Functions with Stimuli-Responsive Single Nanopores

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Logic Functions with Stimuli-Responsive Single Nanopores, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.201300255. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] We present the concept of logic functions based on a single stimuli-responsive nanopore and analyze its potential for electrochemical transducers and actuators. The responsive molecules at the surface of the polymeric nanopore immersed in an electrolyte solution are sensitive to thermal, chemical, electrical, and optical stimuli, which are the input signals required to externally tune the conductance of the nanopore (the logical output). A single nanostructure can be operated as a resistor or as a diode with a broad range of rectifying properties, allowing for logical information-processing schemes that are useful pH and temperature sensors, electro-optical detectors, and electrochemical actuators and transducers. Some of the limitations to be addressed in practical applications are also cited.P. R., J. C., and S. M. acknowledge financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana (Project Prometeo/GV/0069), the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (Materials Program, project No. MAT2012-32084), and FEDER. M. A. and W. E. gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Beilstein-Institut, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, within the research collaboration NanoBiC.Ramirez Hoyos, P.; Cervera Montesinos, J.; Ali, M.; Ensinger, W.; Mafé, S. (2014). Logic Functions with Stimuli-Responsive Single Nanopores. ChemElectroChem. 1(4):698-705. https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.201300255S69870514Siwy, Z., Gu, Y., Spohr, H. 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    On Data Reutilization for Historian Based Predictive Control

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    This paper presents a robust finite-horizon control scheme based on data that produces feasible control sequences. The scheme makes use of a database that includes information from prior experiences of the same and others controllers handling similar systems. By the convex combination of feasible histories plus an auxiliary control law that deals with uncertainties, this scheme can be used as a robust historian-based predictive controller. Further application could include a cooperative learning-based strategy in which multiple controllers share their previous executions to gain collective benefits in terms of performance. The validity of the proposed controller is tested in a simulated case study